Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Zen Shorts

Zen Shorts
Written and illustrated by: Jon J. Muth
Scholastic Press, 2005
40 pages
Picture Book - Fantasy

            When I came across this book, I immediately noticed the beautiful illustrations. The front cover intrigued my curiosity, and I was compelled to blog about this book. Addy, Michael, and Karl meet a very special panda named Stillwater. Each of the children spend time with Stillwater. He teaches each child a valuable lesson that they will never forget. This mysterious panda bear provides the children with friendship and wisdom.
            The author and illustrator of this book, John J. Muth, used watercolor and ink to create his illustrations. The soft, warm colors and smooth lines give the book a calming effect. When Stillwater tells a story, the soft, warm colors change to black and white pictures with a solid background color. The illustrations in these passages look much different than the illustrations in the rest of the book.
           This book is appropriate for preschoolers and grades K-3. I would use this book for a character education lesson for 3rd graders. One of the lessons Stillwater teaches is that you should not remain angry after someone has done you wrong. I would read this book if my 3rd graders were holding grudges against their peers. I think this book could be used to introduce a science lesson for 3st graders as well. I would read this book before my lesson bout panda bears and discuss what they look like and the culture they are most associated with. This book could also be used as a history lesson for 3rd graders. I would read this book to introduce the Japanese culture. This book has many pictures and words that describe key elements of Japanese culture. Zen Shorts was a Caldecott Honor Book in 2006.

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