Tuesday, September 24, 2013

This is Not My Hat

This is Not My Hat
Written and illustrated by Jon Klassen
Candlewick Press, 2012
40 pages
Picture Book-Fiction

I chose this book because it was recommended to me by a librarian. The librarian absolutely loved the book, and by her reaction, I knew I would love this book too. The title, This is Not My Hat, says it all. The hat of a very large fish is stolen in his sleep by a very tiny fish. The tiny fish brags about the hat he has stolen and hides in the plants. Little does he know that the very large fish is smarter than he had anticipated. Soon enough, the very big fish pays him a visit in the plants.

Jon Klassen’s illustrations for this book were done digitally in Chinese ink. The ocean is represented with black pages, while the ocean floor and creatures are represented with light pastel colors. These pastel colors are highlighted against the dark ocean. The blending of the colors has a calming effect on the reader.

This book would be appropriate for students ranging from kindergarten to third grade. I would use this book to help teach elements of character education. Students can learn lessons about stealing, pride, and picking on people that are larger than them. Any of these elements could be discussed after reading this book. I would incorporate this book if I was having problems with students picking on other students. I could also use this book to teach about the consequences of stealing and the consequences that follow being proud and showing off. This is Not My Hat won the 2013 Caldecott Medal for “Picture Book Artistry.”

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